Visit the intriguing remains of the city of Volubilis in Morocco

Visit the intriguing remains of the city of Volubilis in Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco is located in the western part of North Africa and is one of the famous places to visit for a holiday on the continent places. The country was under the rule of Muslims Umayadd Damascus , Berber Almoravid and Almohad dynasties , and the European kingdoms of Rome and Germany in the past. With this, the country has undergone many changes in its culture , which is a beautiful fusion of Arabic , Berber and European influences. Some of the cities that are the hallmark of Moroccan history are Meknes , Chefchaouen and Fez el Bali. Another place of interest is the historic city of Volubilis, which is one of the most visited websites in the nation . Check the air in different international airlines ticket to Morocco , before making plans to visit this spectacular place during your vacation.

Volubilis - Location and History

Volubilis , located in modern day Morocco, is now a site partially excavated Roman city and 40 AD. This site was once the administrative center and the capital of the Roman province of Mauretania Tingitane and was home to over 20,000 residents . This place is situated west of the city of Moulay Idriss in the Jebel Zerhoun plain and close to the cities of Meknes and Fez . According to archaeological evidence , the site was inhabited by people of the Neolithic period in the 3rd century and was conquered by the Romans in 40 AD .

Famous things to see

This place has been included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO and has a number of famous attractions. The best preserved structures of this place are a Roman forum, 2nd century Basilica and Arch of Caracalla , which dates back to 217 AD. The columns of this forum are still standing intact and the basilica can be seen with the remains of its impressive walls, which are more than 30 feet high. The most famous of this site remains are its mosaic floors , which include Diana bath, labors of Hercules , the mosaic of Orpheus and Nereids .

Volubilis literally means Oualili ( oleander flowers ) in the Berber language as the land of this site promotes the growth of a large number of plants of laurel and olive trees . This place is also known for Oualila and Ksar Pharoun ( Pharaoh's Palace) in Arabic.

Excavation and restoration

The site has suffered massive destruction after an earthquake in the 4th century . Excavations of this site have been initiated by the French from 1912 to 1956. Further restoration was carried out between 1930 and 1967. In 1997 , this place was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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