Explore the best hiking trails in Morocco

Explore the best hiking trails in Morocco

If you are thinking of taking a trip to Morocco, you may want to consider taking some or all of it on foot. Under your own steam you get to experience the landscapes, cities and culture in a way that is much deeper than if you're just whistling past a bus or a car. Traveling here gives you access to a country like no other in the world. Beyond your normal daily life, walking in Morocco promises many different and varied experiences. The vast and empty hot sands of the Sahara, to guided walks through the fascinating city of Marrakech, there are many different types of walking holidays that you can participate in.

If you are particularly adventurous, you can challenge yourself to difficult - although enriching - to walk in the beautiful mountains of the Atlas. If you want something more urban, you can discover the culture of some of the oldest urban centers walk - really feel, smell and see the history and urban landscapes.

The Moorish trail

In the 8th century Moorish soldiers crossed the Iberian Peninsula from Africa, and this tour is a historical tour of their journey and influence both in North Africa and Spain. Walking in Morocco on the Moorish trail takes you from Marrakech to Rabat (a large imperial city and capital of the country). From there you can take the ferry across the Strait of Gibraltar and the experience of the continuing influence of Moorish culture today Spanish architecture. You can take the train to Ronda, catch a glimpse of the beautiful arched bridge over the Tajo gorge, and you can finish the journey on foot to Madrid, where museums and galleries have displays of art and objects Moorish history of the region.

South of the Sahara

Walking in Morocco can take you to some spectacular places with really beautiful and unique landscape. Saharan dunes offer one of the most beautiful settings in the world for a walking holiday. From your visit to Marrakech, you will leave the city with its bustling Djemaa el Fna and leave in the High Altas expansive, before descending into the Valley of a Thousand Kasbahs, where you will be guided Tinerhir a market oasis city. You follow gorges and nomadic trails through the valleys and mountains, stopping in villages to discover the Moroccan rural life.

Walking in Marrakech

Marrakech is a very popular destination for tourists, and when one day walking holiday in Morocco, it is a must-see city for anyone interested in the experience of cultural and urban life. Most tours that take you into the country will at least go through it, but check first route to be sure. You do not want to miss this great city!

Tony Maniscalco is the director of marketing for hikers Worldwide Holidays. Join us on a walking holiday in Morocco to see the most picturesque in the best value price places and landscapes. We offer over 200 guided group walking holidays in over 60 different countries .......

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