Looking into the exotic Fes , Morocco

Looking into the exotic Fes , Morocco

Fes Morocco is certainly one of the most popular cities in the country . After Casablanca and Rabat, Fez is the third largest city in Morocco . Fez has a special place in the history of Morocco as it was one of the four imperial cities, Rabat , Marrakech and Meknes . Currently, the city is divided into three sections: the Fez el Bali , Fes - Jdid the, and the New Town . The Fez el Bali is the old walled city of Fez, and is one of the largest, if not the largest urban center without cars in the world . This World Heritage Site by UNESCO is also home to the oldest university in the world that is still in business at the University of Al-Karaouine .

Another priority when going up in Fez Morocco is the Dar Batha Museum . This museum was once a 19th century palace of Sultan Moulay al- Hassan I. Currently , it has a garden and a comprehensive compilation of indigenous arts and crafts. During the afternoon, usually in June , the Fez Festival of World Sacred Music held here . Another notable museum is the Museum Najjarine , which used to be a fundoq or a hostel for street vendors and their animals in the 18th century. It was restored with the addition of a market square and a carpenter.

If you want a taste of authentic Moroccan cuisine in Fez Morocco complete with an authentic atmosphere, will visit The Palace of Fez . Located in Makhfia street, you can dine on the terrace watching the magnificent views of the medina. Group bookings are housed and a carpet shop is located on a floor of this former ancestral home . For men, a visit to a hammam or bathhouse, is part of an authentic experience of Morocco in Fez. Bring along a Moroccan friend so you 'll be primed behaviors and to make things fit.

If you want to go royal visit to the Dar el- Makhzen is highly recommended. This palace is the official residence of the Moroccan king when he is in Fez, Morocco . The palace is surrounded by imposing walls and secured by a door of bronze and brass designed complex ion . There are still offices operating in the palace , and there is also a mosque , gardens, a zoo and a madrasa or school to learn the Koran .

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