Take winter warmers for the kids when driving

Take winter warmers for the kids when driving

Each visit to Morocco Ive always taken things with me that I can give to the local families - especially the children - and especially when I was regularly visiting Telouet - many berber families are still living and working off the land and doing whatever they can do to earn enough to live on or working in labour jobs and earning only 40-60 dirham a day - miniscule to what Moroccans in the cities and town with big cars and big houses have.

Living out in the remote areas usually means harsher living conditions - ie washing clothes by hand, minimal electrical appliances - so people are making do with less - even donkeys, mules and horse and cart still.

People including teachers we have met or stayed with out in these areas still stay it can be a very good thing to take school stationery supplies, interesting childrens book and arts and crafts to generate interest in their education, rather than choosing to stay a shepherd like their parents to support their family, and take them to a country school to distribute to children - often though it is best to find a gite owner or someone in tune with whats happening in the locality and where to take things to as there is also the rort of taking items to schools and the teachers family and friends end up with it all...we found a good time to do it is in front of the children and other adults at the school.

Also hygiene items that we regard as a necessity that often become only a luxury such as tooth brushes and toothpaste......sanitary towels and wash clothes....these can also be given to clinics that are in remote areas such as at Tabant in Ait Bougoumez or the Ameln valley near Tafraoute for example.

I believe theres still that fine line between helping as in understanding lack and wanting to help make things better in any way and the notion that foreigners have everything and have it easy and give handouts - so put your hand out and you will get something ie tourists are easy to manipulate....

An example of one of my trips was flying to Marrakech with the intention of driving to Agadir for some warm sunny days with friends there but knowing how cold it gets in Morocco and knowing I intended to drive the TiznTest road which has numerous country villages along the way including up in the snowy and very cold mountain areas nearing the pass.
And because we have a very good '£' shop near us with sets of scarves, hats and gloves and sets of light raincoats and packs of socks I was able to get quite a few of these to have with me while I was out driving.

And along the way when I did stop to take photos - especially of scenic villages in the scenic valleys - when you think noone is around out appear children to say hello! And there were my opportunities to give to these children who were in dirty clothes and looking very skinny - might not be a great deal of help but I think its something to at least give them these things to help them with the cold and wet.

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