Ifrane is a very nice city "town" in the Middle Atlas of Morocco. It is situated in the north center of Morocco. The word, "ifran" means caves. The first permanent settlement of the area dates to the 16th century. The average altitude is about 1,665 metres (5,460 ft). Because of its elevation, during the winter months, it snows. Ifrane is also the place where the lowest temperature was ever recorded in all Africa continent: -24 °C (was recorded in 1935). During the summer, a cool climate is experienced in Ifrane. The population of this nice small city in Morocco is about 13,000 (December 2008). Tamazight is the regional language for people in Ifrane but almost people there talk too Arabic and also talk French language. You will find many who talk English language.
Really, Its air is very clean, if you like to rest after long period of working in your office and stress in your big city. I can advise you to take some days and relax at Ifrane city. In Summer, many people from different part of Morocco like to spend their holidays and enjoy time with their families in this beautiful town. Many people too like to visit it in winter as land is covered by snow and some they like to ski in Jbel Hebri "Michlifen" Mountain (2,000m). Indeed, it is a very wonderful landscape which I am sure that everyone saw it liked it much. Who never visit this town wish a day doing it.
If you plan to make a trip to Ifrane city, let me give you some informations which are very necessary for you:
The best way to arrive to Ifrane is:
Book plane to Fez airport "Morocco".
When your plane arrive to Fez airport, you need to take a taxi "Grand Taxi" from Fez airport to Taxi station. It costs around 100 Dh.
When you arrive to taxi stations "Grand Taxi", ask about Taxi which takes to Ifrane.
Your journey from Fez to Ifrane is one hour.
When you arrive to Ifrane station you will find in the same place Green taxi "Petit Taxi" and you can ask the driver to take you to the near hotel.
The nice places to visit:
Source Vitel is very nice wonderful beautiful place in Ifrane city with a series of waterfalls, some of which are found inside the forests of Ifrane and others ones, which you should take a taxi to visit them. Really, it is a amazing place which everyone saw it like it much and visit it again and again.
Al Akhawayn University is a very nice university and the only one in Morocco which studies are with English language. You can request special permission from the faculty to visit it.
Centre-ville, the newer part of the city. Here, you can find the center for tourism, the iconic Lion statue that many tourists from inside or outside Morocco like to take pictures next to it. There are also a very nice lake and park which are near to the university, and too a number of restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores.
Marché is opened every day and where everybody can buy his/her supplies: vegetables, fruits meat and breads... There are also many restaurants which make nice Moroccan food with varying price.
Moreover, I will give you other informations about speed and prices in your journey:
How fast can you drive a car in Morocco Road? It's 60 km per hour.
How fast can you drive a car in Morocco motorways? It's 100 km per hour.
How fast can you drive a car in Morocco communities? It's 40 km per hour.
How much does petrol cost in Morocco? It costs 1.21 Euro (unleaded) and 0.87 Euro (diesel).
How much are 4 stars hotels in Ifrane city Morocco? It's in average 600 Dh per day.
I hope that you find all my informations useful for you and I wish for you a happy holiday in your country "Morocco".
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