Moroccan traditional dress
This caftan Raising a proven dress Moroccan heritage components. It was brought to the lady lady urban and in rural areas they are at the same time as the Jewish or Muslim faith
These early texts mentioning the Moroccan dress dating from the sixteenth century. Already covered by the Parthians and Persians, this dungeon caftan was introduced in kaftans sale East Muslims in Casablanca. The Emir Abd al-Rahman II (822-852) - breakfast son along Rabat, who won the Andalucia where icelui rarely formed independent emirate in the ninth century - the culture like the artist received Zyriab, came to Baghdad.
It was discovered that refinement East Muslim Andalusian with gold stitching music, culinary and business dress. He then showed them to wear according to the seasons insured pale paintings and summer, then doubled held true dark winter.
This refinement of the caftan is located in the traditional task of the proven "maalems" loyalty (insured contractor) and Creative Evolution tends to shine in traditional form.
It is also right to exist seen a traditional Moroccan dress. Regarding more, with the emergence of young artists found in Morocco and elsewhere, this dress was finished with heels make you dream beyond the borders of Morocco.
The Moroccan caftan means clothing that resembles the chasuble, however, with the exception of the hood. The origins of the back of the caftan Turkish Empire. In this sequel was a real long-term Ottoman costume worn by the elite. Similarly other clothing, it has evolved with time.
There are excellent caftans for rent in the position to deploy almost the dress in the evening. But we found that this is often relentlessly tunic mine true aristocrat, namely accompaniments and / or law embroidery. I think boubou is the era of democratization and become the only appearance to ceremony as dissimilar.
In Morocco, women wear these special occasions such as a wedding. The caftan clothing towards the base with the bride wedding this light tone. It is even supported by a below takchita unique hand decorated clothes on this sweet face with traditional touches and do it right, with huge innings after single thick belt worn around the waist. In contrast to the tunic, caftan's weird stride mouth off back home.
These caftans of Morocco are the green, then they were introduced late in this country because it is in the company of North Africa, including the Arab conquerors
The best Moroccan kaftans are available in speech and in agriculture in Caftanes. On their profession is very well designed website can help you to organize decision in the long segment of beautiful fabrics for quality insured amount very interesting. This support from the buyer when East him probe a larger institution, taking luxury. This gay gssein reputation.
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