Guide For Argentina Travel And Tours

By John Bolton

Even a fat book would hardly be enough to cover everything of interest that must be included in an Argentina travel guide. However, things can be clarified quite easily for travelers planning a South American holiday. To keep things simple, let's assume that the intrepid international traveler is going to land at Ezeiza International Airport.

This airport serves Buenos Aires, which is conveniently at the top of the list of must-visit destinations in Argentina. Unfortunately, filling up with the rest of the itinerary is not so easy. The vastness and diverse tourist attractions in regions such as Pampas and Patagonia are stunning, to say the least.

This may be a once-in-a-lifetime trip, but it's hardly advisable to pack the itinerary with everything of interest from Buenos Aires to the end of the modern world at Ushuaia. A much more feasible plan is to pick a preferred activity or theme and go with that. For example, urban tours are mostly restricted to the Pampas region. Highlights of this tour will include the varied pleasures of Buenos Aires and a look-see at the historic colonial buildings in Cordoba.

A winery tour in Mendoza is the best choice for an oenophile, since this wine country just outside the capital offers exemplary wine producers with award-winning wines. Puerto Madryn has serene beaches that are popular for summer vacations. Tierra del Fuego, with its national parks, giant glaciers and lakes, is ideal for outdoor holidays with a wide range of choices in terms of fishing, wildlife tours, camping, etc. Tierra del Fuego also includes Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world and the boarding point for Antarctic cruises.

The second major decision to be made is how to undertake one or more of these expeditions. As mentioned above, Argentina is a massive country and it's usually not possible to hop on a bus to get from one city on the itinerary to another one. For instance, getting to Puerto Madryn by road from Buenos Aires involves a full day of driving along the coast.

Iguazu Falls is just as famous and visit-worthy a destination as Puerto Madryn and requires a day's drive too, but in the opposite direction along the coast from Buenos Aires. People who want to spend their time on a road trip may enjoy these long drives up and down the coast, but most other travelers will find it to be a hassle and a waste of their valuable vacation days. Besides, a road trip is out of the question for remote places such as Ushuaia.

To avoid such travel hassles, domestic flights and hotels have to be booked for the appropriate dates. But such plans can easily fall apart over a single untoward and unforeseen incident. It's far easier to leave all the logistics in the capable hands of a tour operator. There are many luxury tours available that are designed to make good use of the limited vacation time and energy tourists have at their disposal.

Being part of a tour group greases the wheels, so to speak, with luxury accommodations and transport. They also provide expert Argentina travel and tour guides who know from experience exactly what visitors like to do and see at each destination. Not to mention the fact that it keeps travelers in these groups safe from all the pitfalls and tourist traps that foreigners can so easily fall prey to in a new place.

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