The Numerous National Parks of Morocco

The Numerous National Parks of Morocco
Talassemtane National Park Morocco

Talassemtane National Park Morocco
Trekking Morocco is an experience you will not soon forget–so many places are worthy of a visit–some for a couple hours, some a couple of days. Noteworthy regions throughout Morocco include the High Atlas Mountains, the Rif Mountains, and the Anti Atlas region.  Depending on which region you want to visit, you do have a plethora of National Parks. Read on to get an idea of what National Parks (some combined with trekking) await you in Morocco.
When trekking Morocco you can choose from custom Morocco tours or pre- set tours. These tours are hosted by tour operators who are well versed in the topography as most areas are not well marked on a map.

The Mediterranean Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of Morocco and Spain is one of the most enticing places to visit.  The reserve spreads from the Northwest of Morocco to Spain.  It was once thought that Morocco was a part of Spain, which is why the Rif Mountains continue in Spain.  UNESCO decided they needed to create a reserve in the area to protect the natural wonders.  In 2006 the reserve was started with funding from both governments.  The goal of the reserve is to educate tourists and locals on the precious land.  The bio reserve includes Jbel Bouhachem, Lagune de Smir, Koudiet Taifour, and Jbel Moussa.  The mountain ranges are all within the Talassemtane National Park in the Rif Mountains.

For a trekking adventure in Morocco try Jbel Bouhachem. It is one of the best mountains in the area to climb.  There are multiple day treks which take you up the peak to the summit, as well as through some of the more popular valleys and villages within the area.  Morocco bio reserves often incorporate villages because they and the people have been there for centuries. The emphasis on the bio reserve is conservation so that the villages will be able to survive for many more years to come.

The Intercontinental bio reserve is just one of the many places you can trek in Morocco.  Merdja Zerga Biological Reserve or the Blue Lagoon Reserve is located near Moullay Bousselham.  Thousands of birds travel to this area each year, making it a haven for bird watchers.  The treks in this region are less strenuous and tend to be for family Morocco holidays.

We mentioned earlier that within the Intercontinental reserve there is a national park. The Talassemtane National Park is protecting the last fir forest in Morocco.  Fir trees in the rest of Morocco have been cut down and used for a variety of things.  Years ago Morocco decided they needed to protect the last forest for the next generations to see.  The park like many provides a look at what Morocco is truly like.

El Houceima is another coastal national park.  It is an Osprey colony and is a marine reserve protecting underwater habitats.  It is one of the best places to visit for a less strenuous trekking adventure in Morocco, as Morocco’s coastline is less mountainous than its interior.  Traveling around to the different parks will give you a glimpse of what Morocco is and used to be like.

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