If I had to describe my enthusiasm for waterfalls I guess I would say – I think they are stunning, exotic, perplexing, thrilling, and always always worth while. You have to ask yourself, why is it so beautiful- and often I can’t pin-point any one thing, its the combination, of the most incredible amount of water flowing huge distances towards the earth, free falling – like man is never able to do (without assistance) and the surrounding cliffs that exude danger. Perhaps It is power and untamed wildness wrapped into something that looks so feminine and dainty. …Did you think i was describing a woman there for a second? haha… back to the point- I love waterfalls, they say to me – this earth had to be made by the most imaginative, free, and beautiful being – none other could create such a spectacular display. Ultimately, they just make me feel good.
Brandon and I decided to take a “personal day” and go camping in the Atlas mountains. - This was a very smart decision. I loved every second of it, and it made the 4 hour drive each way, well worth it. The hiking was great, the view was amazing, and the surprise of it all was the best part. Although a little touristy on the weekend, it was perfect because as you hiked down the sides of the falls you could hear the locals playing their drums and singing their rhythms – it was quite exotic really.

We had to get in the water, there were tons of little waterfalls when you got down to the bottom of the gorge, and you could swim in the pools created by them. The one you see below, supposedly you can swim behide those falls into a little cave- but it was FREEZING, so we didn’t stay in long enough to explore. 

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