Why aren’t you married yet?

Sooner or later, someone pops the question “why aren’t you married” or “how come you haven’t found someone” or “why are you so picky?” Every time someone gets married, you get to hear; “Now it’s your turn”. It may not be these versions of the question. Instead, you may hear:“What’s a great girl/guy like you doing single?”I’m surprised no one has snapped you up yet!”Don’t take the question or the person seriously, as it’s not a sincere question but rather one designed to make you uncomfortable
These questions are often followed by creative problem solving, such as:“I should introduce you to my neighbor’s daughter’s boyfriend’s cousin, who just got off parole.”No matter which unwanted questions or solutions you hear, your reaction is likely to be the same: The awkward smile and you always invent a diplomatic answer.Unless you’re prepared to level the person and start a fight, evade the question, and offer a breezy, even goofy answer—it deflects the hostility and you come out looking cheerful and unfazed.“Dear Married or Otherwise Coupled Person,Thank you for your recent interest in my love life. I know that your curiosity is only an expression of your concern for my wellbeing and future happiness, and your input is appreciated.Since my solo operation continues to produce much contentment and even happiness, I am not compelled to expand it to a limited partnership. At this juncture, I believe that I am well positioned to fulfill my expectations of a meaningful life, and I do not wish to endanger that trend by incorporating with the wrong partner. Unfortunately, due to incredulous and dismissive feedback from my “supporters,” I have discontinued communications regarding my bullish outlook on singlehood. This positivity will remain part of my paradigm, though it will not be on display until test groups reveal a shift in acceptance of my long-term singleness.”But seriously folks, why is it a bad thing that someone hasn’t entered into a bad union? I will be the first to admit that there are more than a few singles over 30 who are “Never Beens” with good reason.And now I turn it to you, Gentle Readers. Is it a plus or negative when you meet someone who has Never Been married? Do you immediately assume they are broken or strange? Share your thoughts below. And if you don’t mind, can you be so kind as to indicate if you are a Never Been Married, Once Was Married, Repeat Offender, or Eternally Bound?morocco culture,moroccan food,morocco food,moroccan cuisine,morocco beaches,moroccan meal,beaches in morocco,moroccan culture,hercules cave,hercules cave morocco
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